Season 6

Season 6 Episode 20

3 Mins read

Shark Tank season 6 episode 20 introduces a customized sandals manufactured in Uganda, giving poor women the opportunity to raise money for college; gold-mining bucket; sports bra; a kit for developing photos with sunlight and transferring images to products.

Season 6 Episode 20 in depth

GoPro founder Nick Woodman returns to the Tank in Season 6 for a few episodes. Mark, Barbara, Kevin, Daymond, Lori, and Robert are the regular sharks.

In season 6 episode 20, there is no guest judge.

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I’m always afraid of failing. It’s great motivation to work harder.

Mark Cuban

We listed below every entrepreneur and business who has appeared on Shark Tank Season 6 Episode 20. Many scammers claim they’ve received big investments from the Sharks or they have been on the show. They were not actually on Shark Tank if you don’t see a business on this list. Some of the top places you can use to check are on Wikipedia and also ABC’s episode guide.

List with all the appearances in season 6 episode 20:

Shark Tank Air Date: 02/13/15 – Season 6 – Episode 20

Photo: Amazon

LuminAid – Inflatable Floating Solar Light

$200,000 for 10%$200,000 for 15%Mark Cuban

Entrepreneurs: Andrea Sreshta and Anna Stork

LuminAID is a solar-powered inflatable light developed by two architecture students after the 2010 Haiti Earthquake. No need for batteries or outlets. Use the power of the sun to recharge your LuminAID lantern.

LuminAID lights are high performing, inflatable solar lanterns. Waterproof and dustproof, the LuminAID light perfectly illuminates just about anywhere—including the campsite, backyard and emergency kits. Choose from a selection of lanterns that shine at up to 50 – 75 lumens of bright LED light, and range between 12 – 50 hours of light on a single charge.

All LuminAID lanterns can be recharged in the sun. The PackLite Nova USB, PackLite Spectra USB, and PackLite Firefly USB can be recharged with the sun, or with a USB input cord (included). These lanterns pack flat to under an inch thick, but expand into full sized lanterns. The lights are 100% waterproof and float on water. Bring them to the beach, backyard, campsite, or pack them in your emergency kit to make sure you have light when you need it.

Keen Home
Photo: Amazon

Keen Home

$750,000 for 10%$750,000 for 13%Robert Herjavec

Entrepreneurs: Nayeem Hussain and Ryan Fant

Keen Home makes smart devices to improve the core functions of the home. The company’s first product is the Smart Vent, which senses temperature and duct pressure to make intelligent airflow decisions and efficiently increase the comfort of each room.

The Smart Vent creates an intuitive room-zoned system that proactively balances your home’s temperature. The average-sized home only needs a system of 4 – 8 Smart Vents to enhance both comfort and efficiency.

The Smart Vent retrofits existing floor, wall, and ceiling air vents in just a few simple steps, then wirelessly connects to your home network. The vents communicate with each other, as a Smart Vent System, to regulate airflow in rooms too hot, too cold or not in use for most of the day.

Scholly app
Photo: Apple store


$40,000 for 15%$40,000 for 15%Lori Greiner and Daymond John

Entrepreneurs: Christopher Gray

Scholly is a mobile and web app that gives high school students, current college students, and graduate students a fast and simple way to find scholarships to pay for college.

Founded at Drexel by Gray and fellow students Nick Pirollo and Bryson Alef, it launched in 2015 with the simple goal of matching students with available scholarships: Input your age, interests, and other demographic information and Scholly would find potential fits.

Scholly Search is a classic example of a simple idea that exploded. Today, it has roughly 3 million users who have landed more than $110 million in scholarships.

Taaluma Totes
Photo: carryacountry

Taaluma Totes

$110,000 for 15%NO DEALNO SHARK

Entrepreneurs: Jack DuFour and Alley Heffren

Taaluma Totes are travel backpacks paired with countries. Each backpack is made of fabric from that country, and funds a microloan for a person in that country.

They are giving back to people in the country where the fabric originated. 20% of profits from each tote are microloaned to farmers and small business owners in your tote’s country. They repay the loan when they can and we use the repayment to buy more fabric for the next tote

Jack and Alley have sold $60,000 worth of backpacks in ten months, funding $6,000 in loans. The cost to make a tote is $27, and they sell for $65. 

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Executive producer Mark Burnett and Sony Pictures TV and bring another season of the business-themed reality show Shark Tank where major investors, aka “sharks” pitch business ideas from contestants. The show is based on the Japanese reality show “Dragon’s Den.”

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