Season 4

Season 4 Episode 23

4 Mins read

Shark Tank season 4 episode 23 introduces two men from Orlando, Florida who presented to the Sharks their fishing bobber made from a real shotgun shell. A sweet opportunity for the Sharks to invest is shown by a mother and daughter team from Cohasset, MA with their homemade cupcakes-in-a-jar business.

Also, a man from Cleveland, OH hopes to generate enough interest with the Sharks in his product which turns energy into usable electricity every time you take a step, and a natural-born salesman from Provo, UT presents a new twist on a common accessory – a belt with no holes. Plus, an update on Billy Blanks Jr. from Canoga Park, CA and his Dance with Me fitness-based dance program, who made a deal with Mark Cuban and Daymond John in Season 3.

Season 4 Episode 23 in depth

In season 4 episode 23, there is no guest judge.

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Everyone has ideas. The hard part is doing the homework to know if the idea could work in an industry, and then doing the preparation to be able to execute on the idea.

Mark Cuban

We listed below every entrepreneur and business who has appeared on Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 23. Many scammers claim they’ve received big investments from the Sharks or they have been on the show. If you don’t see a business on this list, they were not actually on Shark Tank. Some of the top places you can use to check are on Wikipedia and also ABC’s episode guide.

List with all the appearances in season 4 episode 23:

Shark Tank Air Date: 05/03/13 – Season 4 – Episode 23

Mistobox shark tank
Photo: mistobox

Mistobox – Coffee Subscription Service

$75,000 for 15%$75,000 for 30%Mark Cuban

Entrepreneurs: Samantha Meis & Conor Riley

That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent of the cloud infrastructure market in its most recent report, which it defines as Infrastructure.

Enter CSS grid: which lets you place an item exactly where you want it, both vertically and horizontally. Sounds simple, but the reality is that it unlocks a level of expressive freedom and control that previously only print could give us. 

Still, IE usage probably isn’t significant enough to fully explain the lack of grid adoption. So, consider that the stats cited above focus on page views, not pages. That means that it’s the lack of adoption of grid by major websites that more likely explains grid’s seemingly poor performance to date. 

 Squirrel Boss Bird Feeder
Photo: squirrelboss

Squirrel Boss Bird Feeder

$130,000 for 40%NO DEALNO SHARK

Entrepreneurs: Michael Desanti

That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent of the cloud infrastructure market in its most recent report, which it defines as Infrastructure.

Enter CSS grid: which lets you place an item exactly where you want it, both vertically and horizontally. Sounds simple, but the reality is that it unlocks a level of expressive freedom and control that previously only print could give us. 

Still, IE usage probably isn’t significant enough to fully explain the lack of grid adoption. So, consider that the stats cited above focus on page views, not pages. That means that it’s the lack of adoption of grid by major websites that more likely explains grid’s seemingly poor performance to date. 

 Vermont Butcher Blocks
Photo: vermontbutcherblock

Vermont Butcher Blocks

$400,000 for 25%NO DEALNO SHARK

Entrepreneurs: David Glickman

That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent of the cloud infrastructure market in its most recent report, which it defines as Infrastructure.

Enter CSS grid: which lets you place an item exactly where you want it, both vertically and horizontally. Sounds simple, but the reality is that it unlocks a level of expressive freedom and control that previously only print could give us. 

Still, IE usage probably isn’t significant enough to fully explain the lack of grid adoption. So, consider that the stats cited above focus on page views, not pages. That means that it’s the lack of adoption of grid by major websites that more likely explains grid’s seemingly poor performance to date. 


Mee-Mas Gumbo Brick
Photo: gumbobrick

Mee-Ma’s Gumbo Brick

$200,000 for 20%$200,000 for 50%Kevin O’Leary and Lori Greiner

Entrepreneurs: Carol Foster

That’s because in spite of its iffy earnings reports over the last five years, Synergy Research reported that IBM had 7 percent of the cloud infrastructure market in its most recent report, which it defines as Infrastructure.

Enter CSS grid: which lets you place an item exactly where you want it, both vertically and horizontally. Sounds simple, but the reality is that it unlocks a level of expressive freedom and control that previously only print could give us. 

Still, IE usage probably isn’t significant enough to fully explain the lack of grid adoption. So, consider that the stats cited above focus on page views, not pages. That means that it’s the lack of adoption of grid by major websites that more likely explains grid’s seemingly poor performance to date. 

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Watch full episodes of shark tank online with Amazon Video


Executive producer Mark Burnett and Sony Pictures TV and bring another season of the business-themed reality show Shark Tank where major investors, aka “sharks” pitch business ideas from contestants. The show is based on the Japanese reality show “Dragon’s Den.”

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